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Governor Ron DeSantis Provides Week Three Update of COVID-19 Vaccine Plan and Affirms Florida’s Commitment to Prioritizing Seniors 65+
Governor joined by Palm Beach County Mayor Dave Kerner and the Palm Beach County Department of Health to kick off vaccinations for 300 senior residents at Kings Point Today, Governor Ron DeSantis held a press conference at Kings Point in Delray Beach to provide an update regarding Week Three of...
Governor Ron DeSantis, Hospital CEOs Announce Distribution Plan for Weekly COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation and Recognize Statewide Progress on Vaccine Distribution
Governor Ron DeSantis announced the State of Florida's distribution plan for this week's allocation of the COVID-19 vaccine. The Governor also recognized statewide progress on vaccine distribution. "Thanks to our state's strong partnership with the federal government and Florida hospitals, more...
Florida Department of Health Issues Update on COVID-19 12/29/20
Today, the Florida Department of Health (DOH), issued an update on COVID-19 in Florida. The reported positivity rate is 22.75 percent, which should be interpreted with caution due to reduced hours and closures at doctor’s offices, public testing sites, and laboratories for the holidays. These...
Florida Division of Emergency Management Celebrates Accomplishments in 2020
Today, Governor Ron DeSantis and the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) highlight the state of Florida's response efforts to COVID-19 taken this year, in addition to the Division supporting Floridians recovering from hurricanes while preparing for future storms and other...
Florida Department of Health Issues Update on COVID-19 12/19/20
Today, the Florida Department of Health issued an update on COVID-19. This week, the first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine were received in Florida, and are being administered to front-line health care workers and long-term care facility staff and residents. To provide Floridians with the latest...
Florida Department of Health Issues Update on COVID-19 12/18/20
Today, the Florida Department of Health issued an update on COVID-19. The COVID-19 daily reports continue to be updated daily and the Florida Department of Health COVID-19 Dashboard also continues to be updated daily. Please find all daily reports here. Hospitalizations: As posted on the Agency...
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT Governor Ron DeSantis Visits Long-Term Care Facility in Pompano Beach
Governor Ron DeSantis held a press conference at Tampa General Hospital to announce the arrival of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine in Florida. The Governor was joined by Florida Division of Emergency Management Director Jared Moskowitz and Tampa General Hospital (TGH) President and CEO John...
Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Distribution Plan for Allocation of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
Governor Ron DeSantis announced the State of Florida's initial distribution plan for Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine. Florida is preparing to receive 367,000 doses of the Moderna vaccine next week, pending Emergency Use Authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Doses of the Moderna...
Governor Ron DeSantis Provides Update on COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan
Governor Ron DeSantis provided an update on Florida's COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan, including details on the state's initial allocation of 179,400 doses of the Pfizer vaccine. Watch the Governor's update by clicking the image below or clicking HERE. Text from Governor DeSantis' video message...
Florida Department of Health Issues Update on COVID-19 12/11/20
Today, the Florida Department of Health issued a weekly update on COVID-19. The COVID-19 daily reports continue to be updated daily and the Florida Department of Health COVID-19 Dashboard also continues to be updated daily. Please find all daily reports here. Hospitalizations: As posted on the...
Florida Department of Health Issues Update on COVID-19 12/04/20
Today, the Florida Department of Health issued a weekly update on COVID-19. The COVID-19 daily reports continue to be updated daily and the Florida Department of Health COVID-19 Dashboard also continues to be updated daily. Please find all daily reports here. Hospitalizations: As posted on the...
Florida Department of Health Issues Update on COVID-19 11/27/20
~New case positivity has decreased and remained under eight percent this week~ Today, the Florida Department of Health issued a weekly update on COVID-19. The percent positivity for new cases in Florida residents has decreased from 7.67 percent one week ago to 6.2 percent today, and has been under...