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2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season Has Ended


2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season Has Ended

On Sunday, December 1, the 2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season officially came to a close. During the 2019 Hurricane Season, there were 18 named storms, including six hurricanes, of which three were major, including Hurricane Dorian.

“The 2019 Hurricane Season gave Florida a much needed break from major hurricane impacts,” said Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) Director Jared Moskowitz. “Leading up to and throughout Hurricane Season, we utilized lessons learned from Michael and Irma to improve Florida’s response, and it showed during Hurricane Dorian. As we transition into preparing for the 2020 Hurricane Season, I encourage all Floridians to have seven days of critical supplies, including food, water and medicine.”

During the 2019 Atlantic Hurricane Season, Florida was impacted by Hurricane Dorian and Tropical Storm Nestor:

Hurricane Dorian

From August 28 – September 9, FDEM led the state’s preparedness and response efforts for Hurricane Dorian, a Category 5 storm that was projected to bring hurricane-force winds and major storm surge to Florida’s East Coast. Leading up to the storm, FDEM worked alongside other state agencies and local governments to prepare for all possible scenarios.

Immediately after the storm made landfall in the Bahamas, Governor DeSantis announced that FDEM and Florida Power and Light collectively donated 590,000 bottles of water to the Bahamas for Hurricane Dorian relief. More information can be found here.

Following Hurricane Dorian, Governor DeSantis secured a federal major disaster declaration to reimburse counties for debris removal, emergency protective measures and permanent work. Since then, FDEM has received more than 140 requests for public assistance totaling more than $180 million. More information about the disaster declaration and eligible expenses can be found here.

Tropical Storm Nestor

On October 19, Tropical Storm Nestor made landfall in Northwest Florida, spawning isolated tornadoes and bringing storm surge to Florida’s Gulf Coast. Following the storm, Director Moskowitz and FDEM staff deployed to Polk County where tornadoes had caused significant damage. While deployed, the Division assisted Polk County in coordinating response efforts and conducting preliminary damage assessments. 

By working with Polk County and the Small Business Administration, Florida secured SBA low-interest disaster loans for businesses and residents in Polk County and surrounding counties that were affected by the tornadoes associated with Tropical Storm Nestor.

Updated: Tuesday, December 3, 2019
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