January Winter Storm Updates

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Public Notices Read Here

Michael Recovery

DR-4399-FL Public Notice

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Disaster Dislocated Worker Program - Dislocated worker grants are awarded for temporary employment to workers affected by major dislocations, including natural disasters.

Public Assistance for emergency protective measures (Category B) see declaration FEMA-3405-EM.
The Disaster Unemployment Assistance program is available in all counties with an Individual Assistance declaration.

The Dislocated Worker Grant program is available for many counties, please contact your local CareerSource Florida network board for more information.
The Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan program is available for businesses impacted by Hurricane Michael. Apply here.

Counties Individual Assistance Public Assistance Transitional Sheltering Assistance
Bay Declared Categories A through G Eligible
Calhoun Declared Categories A through G  
Franklin Declared Categories A and B  
Gadsden Declared Categories A through G  
Gulf Declared Categories A through G Eligible
Hamilton   Categories A and B  
Holmes Declared Categories A and B  
Jackson Declared Categories A through G Eligible
Jefferson   Categories A and B  
Leon Declared Categories A and B  
Liberty Declared Categories A through G  
Madison   Categories A and B  
Suwanne   Categories A and B  
Taylor Declared Categories A and B  
Wakulla Declared Categories A and B  
Washington Declared  Categories A and B  



A Disaster Recovery Center or DRC is a readily accessible facility or mobile office where survivors may go for information about our programs or other disaster assistance programs, and to ask questions related to your case. Representatives from FDEM, FEMA, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), volunteer groups and other agencies are at the centers to answer questions about disaster assistance and low-interest disaster loans for homeowners, renters and businesses. They can also help survivors apply for federal disaster assistance.

If you need assistance you can find a Disaster Recovery Center here.

Executive Order #18-276 - Declares a State of Emergency in 26 Florida Counties in Preparation of Tropical Storm Michael

Executive Order #18-277 - Amendment of Executive Order 18-276

Executive Order #18-360 - Emergency Management - Extension of Executive Order# 18-276

Executive Order #19-33 - Emergency Management-Extension of Executive Order 18-276 (Issued 02/01/19)

Executive Order #19-98 - Emergency Management-Extension of Executive Order 18-276 (Issued 04/01/19)

Executive Order #19-134 - Emergency Management-Extension of Executive Order 18-276 (Issued 05/31/19)

Executive Order #19-176 - Emergency Management-Extension of Executive Order 18-276 (Issued 07/29/19)

Executive Order #19-207 - Emergency Management-Extension of Executive Order 18-276 (Issued 09/29/19)

EO 19-261 Hurricane Michael Extension 7 (11-25-19)

EO 20-23 Hurricane Michael Extension 8 (01-24-20)

County Emergency Management - county emergency management contacts and websites

Alert Florida - sign up to receive emergency alerts and other public safety notifications in your community

Florida Disaster Fund

To make a contribution, please visit www.FloridaDisasterFund.org or text DISASTER to 20222 to make a one-time donation of $10.

The Florida Disaster Fund is the State of Florida’s official private fund established to assist Florida’s communities as they respond to and recover during times of emergency or disaster. The fund is administered by the Volunteer Florida Foundation. Funds will support disaster relief organizations active in responding to and recovering from Hurricane Michael. In partnership with the public sector, private sector and other non-governmental organizations, the Florida Disaster Fund supports response and recovery activities. Donations to the Florida Disaster Fund are made to the Volunteer Florida Foundation, 501(c)(3) charitable organization and are tax deductible.

Volunteer Florida Hurricane Michael Volunteer Database Registration

Register your interest in volunteering by completing this form. As Volunteer Florida partner organizations assess needs and evaluate resources, they will begin to organize volunteer opportunities for unaffiliated, spontaneous volunteers. Volunteer Florida will then match those organizations with individuals like you, who want to serve their communities.

Florida Office of Insurance Regulation has updated Hurricane Season Resources which contains links to resources from the Governor, Chief Financial Officer, Attorney General, Commissioner of Agriculture, Division of Emergency Management, Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National Flood Insurance Program, and contact information for Florida’s property insurers

Florida Department of Financial Services’ Division of Consumer Services has resources for consumers seeking to file insurance complaints

Florida Storms - Florida Public Radio Emergency Network Google Play  iTunes

Florida 511 - Get up-to-the-minute, real-time traffic conditions and incident information for the State of Florida with Florida 511.

FEMA - mobile app

Red Cross - mobile apps

Gas Buddy - Gas stations availability

For state park closures and re-openings, please visit Florida Department of Environmental Protection Florida Park Service Closures Information.

Additionally, Florida Park Service has opened areas to dry camp for self-contained rigs – usually parking lots without utility connections – at some state parks for evacuees on a first come, first served basis with waived overnight fees. A list of open parks and contact information to check for availability can be found at https://www.floridastateparks.org/get-involved/storm-assistance.

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