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Training and Exercise


SERT TRAC 2.0 is coming soon, April 5, 2025!

Training and Exercise Unit (T&E)

The Training and Exercise (T&E) Unit of the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) plays a vital role in strengthening the state’s emergency preparedness. T&E works in close coordination with federal, state, and local agencies, ensuring effective training for counties, partner organizations, and first responders. The unit manages training through the state’s system, SERT TRAC, providing an integrated calendar of courses and exercises to meet diverse needs across Florida. Additionally, T&E partners with counties to create regional Integrated Preparedness Plans (IPPs), which identify training priorities and establish a comprehensive 3-year training strategy. T&E is responsible for organizing the annual Statewide Exercise and ensuring compliance with FEMA’s training and exercise requirements. By fostering collaboration and delivering targeted educational opportunities, T&E supports continuous improvement in emergency management practices statewide


SERT TRAC serves as the statewide platform for emergency management training and student management. It facilitates the registration, certification, and documentation processes for individuals involved in emergency response training. The system allows students to upload certificates from various courses and training programs, register for new courses, and track their training progress.

On the administrative side, Training & Exercise staff use SERT TRAC to manage and approve student certificates, oversee course registrations, and coordinate instructor assignments. It ensures a streamlined and efficient process for both students and staff, contributing to effective emergency preparedness and response through well-managed training resources and activities


To Request L-146 Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

Email the below information requests to FDEM.STO@em.myflorida.com NLT six weeks prior to delivery:

  1. Course Code: L0146
  2. Course Dates:
  3. Course Delivery Times (Local):
  4. Course Location (City, State):
  5. Course POC Contact Information:
    • First and Last Name:
    • Organization:
    • Phone number:
    • Email address:
  • Instructor(s) Name(s):
  • Number of Students:
  • Will this be an “Open Registration” or a “Closed Registration” course:

Here is an explanation to help differentiate between the two NDEMU registration options:

  • Open Registration - You allow students from within and outside your organization to attend, no Invitation Code provided, any student can register for this course.
  • Closed Registration - You manage which students from within and outside your organization can attend based on seat availability, you manage registration with an Invitation Code that I provide. Only students with the Invitation Code can register for this course.
Request to Conduct NIMS ICS Training Class

All agencies desiring to offer All-Hazards Position Specific or the NIMS ICS Train-the-Trainer Curricula classes in their jurisdiction will route requests to their respective Emergency Management State Training Officer via this completed form.

Request to Conduct.pdf


The Professional Development Series (PDS) includes seven Emergency Management Institute independent study courses that provide a well-rounded set of fundamentals for those in the emergency management profession. Many students build on this foundation to develop their careers.

After successfully completing all 7 required PDS courses through the Independent Study program, a PDS certificate is automatically issued via email to the email address provided on your last exam submission.

PDS Required Courses

IS-120.c An Introduction to Exercises

IS-230.e Fundamentals of Emergency Management

IS-235.c Emergency Planning

IS-240.c Leadership and Influence

IS-241.c Decision Making and Problem Solving

IS-242.c Effective Communication

IS-244.b Developing and Managing Volunteers

Other Professional Programs
    • Instructor-led courses allow planners to further develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform effectively as lead planners and planning program managers
    • Series of two (2) resident courses (E0237: and E0238) that are each five (5) days in length, as well as Online Planning Practitioner Capstone (K0243).
    • Application period is open annually from April 1st to June 15th
    • Following courses must be completed in their entirety prior to applying: IS236 (in development), IS100, IS200, IS230, IS235, IS240, IS242, IS700, IS800
    • A certificate of graduation from the Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP) Basic Academy from 2018, or later will satisfy the prerequisites for the PPP Program
    • FY2026 dates TBD
    • Additional information - https://training.fema.gov/programs/planning-practitioner/#prerequisites


    • Program designed for experienced individuals with significant responsibility for progressive, all-hazard exercise programs consistent with the principles in the HSEEP doctrine.
    • Refine and practice skills critical to performing the phases of the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) cycle.
    • Consists of two (2) resident courses (E0132 and E0133) that are each four (4) days in length as well as conduct of an exercise for the candidate’s jurisdiction which is then presented to a panel (K0136).
    • Following courses must be completed in their entirety prior to submitting an application: L/K146 (HSEEP program), IS100, IS120, IS130, IS200, IS230, IS235, IS700, IS800, and IS2200
    • A certificate of graduation from the Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP) Basic Academy from 2018, or later will satisfy the prerequisites for the MEP Program
    • Application period is open annually from April 1st to June 15th
    • https://training.fema.gov/programs/nsec/mepp/#how-to-apply


  • National Emergency Management Advanced Academy (NEMAA)
    • Reinforces the qualities needed to lead emergency management programs and provides relevant management theories and concepts, and utilizes appropriate case studies.
    • Series consists of four (4) resident courses that are each five (5) days in duration, as well as completing a comprehensive paper prior to graduation
    • Will start accepting applications for the National Emergency Management Advanced Academy (NEMAA) from April 1 – June 1, 2025 for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Cohorts.
    • Applications will be evaluated based on recommended prerequisites to include:


Applications cycles are not open but will open in the next four (4) months – if interested, used this time to complete prerequisites and prepare for course notifications. These courses are open to all 50 states and six (6) territories and are very competitive.


The original Advanced Professional Series (APS) course lineup was established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on November 27, 2001, to motivate and challenge students to continue emergency management training.

The APS provides Emergency Managers and First Responders the ability to perform essential work in a disaster that requires skills in emergency operations and management. These skills are developed through a series of courses that offer “how-to” training focused on practical information. This series emphasizes applied skills in disaster operations, management, and coordination.

On December 31, 2018, the Advanced Professional Series program was transferred to states for administration. Each state now issues its State Advanced Professional Series Certificates.

Below are the State of Florida Requirements as of March 1, 2022.

Required Courses

Florida Required and Elective APS Courses

G-191 - Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center Interface, or E/L449 ICS Train the Trainer

G-205 - Recovery from Disaster, the Local Government Role, or E-210 Recovery from Disaster, the Local Government Role

G-393 - Mitigation for Emergency Managers or G-318 – Mitigation Planning for Local Governments

G-557 - Rapid Assessment Workshop

G-2300 Intermediate Emergency Operations Center Functions

Elective Courses (choose any 5)

E/L/K-105 - Public Information Basics, or E-388 Advanced Public Information Officer or E/L-952 All-Hazards Public Information Officer

E/G-141 Instructional Presentation and Evaluation Skills or MGT-323 Instructor Development Workshop

E/L/K-146 - Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

E/G/K-202 - Debris Management Planning for State, Local and Tribal Officials

E/L/K - 1301 Continuity Planning  

G-108 - Community Mass Care and Emergency Assistance

G-235 - Emergency Planning

G-271 - Hazardous Weather and Flood Preparedness, or IS-271Anticipating Hazardous Weather and Community Risk

G-288 - Local Volunteer and Donations Management

G-358 - Evacuation and Re-entry Planning

G-361 - Flood Fight Operations

G-272 - Warning Coordination

G-386 - Mass Fatalities Incident Response Course

IS-703.b National Incident Management System Resource Management

L-363 Multi-Hazard Planning for Higher Education

APS Course Application Process

  • APS courses are classroom delivered courses unless otherwise noted.
  • APS courses are delivered through State Emergency Management Agencies, The National Domestic Preparedness Consortium, and the Emergency Management Institute.
  • Please review SERT TRAC (trac.floridadisaster.org) for a schedule of state offerings.
Requesting a Certificate of Completion

FDEM APS Request

Students who complete the 5 required courses and any 5 of 15 elective courses are eligible to receive the Advanced Professional Series Certificate of Completion from the state.

Requests for the certificate of completion must be sent to State Training Coordinator, Mindy Dowling (mindy.dowling@em.myflorida.com) for verification. Include a copy of a completion certificate of each course completed. Also, include the mailing address that you would like your certificate sent.

For Further Information

If you have any questions or would like further information, contact The Florida Division of Emergency Management at FDEM.STO@em.myflorida.com.

The Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop (IPPW) provides an interactive forum for Whole Community stakeholders to engage in the creation of the IPP. The IPPW also serves to coordinate preparedness activities across organizations/agencies in order to maximize the use of resources and prevent duplication of effort. This can be accomplished at the county or regional level and is encouraged to happen at both levels.

Relevant Documents 

Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop Guide

Integrated Preparedness Plan Program Management HSEEP Template

2025 Florida IPP

Beginning in February 2024, FDEM partnered with FDLE and Hagerty Consulting, Inc. (Hagerty) to enhance Statewide terrorism preparedness through the development of planning toolkits and a series of exercises. The goal of the Toolkit is to empower jurisdictions and provide resources to holistically develop their own jurisdiction-specific Terrorism Response Plan, conduct training for stakeholders, and validate the plan through a tabletop exercise (TTX).

Full Terrorism Response Plan Toolkit

Terrorism Response Plan Toolkit - Instructional Guide

Terrorism Response Plan Toolkit - Flyer


State Training and Exercise Officer (STO) – Melissa Rudd

Office Number: (850) 815-4301

Cell Number: (850) 251-0962

Email: FDEM.STO@em.myflorida.com


Training and Exercise Regional Manager-Lyle Briggs

Regions 1, 4, 8 & 10

449 Coordinator

Office Number: 850-815-4363

Cell Number: 850-901-4972

Email: lyle.briggs@em.myflorida.com


Training & Exercise Regional Manager – Ursula Walker

Regions 2, 3, and 5 

Office Number: (850) 815-4306

Cell Number: (850) 228-1082

Email: ursula.walker@em.myflorida.com


Regional Training & Exercise Manager-Rick Knowles

Regions 6, 7, and 9

Office Number: 850 815-4307

Cell Number: 850 879-6174

Email: rick.knowles@em.myflorida.com


SERTTRAC File Administrator- Tommy Graff

Office Number: 850-815-4331

Cell Number: 448-213-7988

Email: tommy.graff@em.myflorida.com           


FTEM Planner-Avery Michaud

Office Number: 850-815-4333

Cell Number: 448-229-6851

Email: Avery.Michaud@em.myflorida.com


Training Specialist – Mindy Dowling

DHS Training Coordinator

Advanced Professional Series (APS) Requests

Office Number: (850) 815-4302

Cell Number: (850) 228-4593

Email: mindy.dowling@em.myflorida.com

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