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AHIMT Qualification Process


Qualification standards are essential to the emergency management community in that they ensure and validate the identity and attributes (e.g., affiliations, skills, or privileges) of individuals or members of response teams through established agreed-upon standards. Established standards allow the community to plan for, request, and have confidence in resources deployed from other jurisdictions for emergency assistance. Qualification standards ensure that personnel resources match requests, and it supports effective management of deployed responders.

The Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) is committed to improving emergency management and response capabilities in the United States for all major disasters and other incidents where mutual aid is required.  The FDEM recognizes the existing authority for local Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) to regulate mutual aid. The intent is to build on existing processes and systems to improve the delivery of intrastate mutual aid. This effort does not preempt or diminish the sovereignty of the local AHJs to manage routine and/or local response operations in accordance with their laws.

Implementing a qualification standard provides confidence that the personnel and resources provided under mutual aid match the request. It helps to ensure that both the requester and supplier are using the same criteria to certify personnel. It alleviates one concern from communities already struggling with the effects of an incident.  In order for this system to work, it is imperative that the basic principles of identity, qualification/affiliation, and authorities are embraced and utilized. Developing a culture of following a qualification standard is also important so that when an event occurs, the response is disciplined and the adverse effects of an unauthorized deployment are avoided.

On March 7, 2013, Floridas Domestic Security Oversight Council (DSOC) adopted the Florida Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) Type 3 All-Hazard Incident Management System Credentialing Guide to begin the standardization process for Incident Management Teams in Florida. In 2015, FDEM hosted Steering Committee and Oversight Committee meetings to develop and refine the DSOC guidance, and improve the application process. Florida then entered into a period of Historical Recognition in January of 2015, lasting eighteen (18) months, ending November 2016. The goal was to build an initial cadre of emergency responders qualified in the ICS position identified as needed to form the programs foundation.

With the end of Historical Recognition ended in Florida, the state has implemented Position Specific Task Books (PTBs) with the official launch date of January of 2017.  The goal of Floridas PTB is to grow emergency responders in Incident Command System positions throughout the state

The following PTBs are available as of August 2021:

• Type 3 All-Hazards Communications Unit Leader (COML3-AH)
• Type 3 All-Hazards Facilities Unit Leader (FACL3-AH)

The following PTBs are available as of January 2023:
• Type 3 All-Hazards Documentation Unit Leader (DOCL3-AH

The following PTBs are currently available:

  • Type 3 All-Hazards Incident Commander (IC3-AH)
  • Type 3 All-Hazards Liaison Officer (LOFR3-AH)
  • Type 3 All-Hazards Safety Officer (SOFR3-AH)
  • Type 3 All-Hazards Public Information Officer (PIO3-AH)
  • Type 3 All-Hazards Planning Section Chief (PSC3-AH)
  • Type 3 All-Hazards Operations Section Chief (OSC3-AH)
  • Type 3 All-Hazards Logistics Section Chief (LSC3-AH)
  • Type 3 All-Hazards Finance/ Administration Section Chief (FSC3-AH)

 The following PTBs are available as of November 2017:

  • Type 3 All-Hazards Resource Unit Leader (RESL3-AH)
  • Type 3 All-Hazards Supply Unit Leader (SPUL3-AH)
  • Type 3 All-Hazards Situation Unit Leader (SITL3-AH)
  • All-Hazards Division/Group Supervisor (DIVS-AH)
  • All-Hazards Strike Team/Task Force Leader (STTFL-AH)

The following PTBs are available as of July 2018:

  • Type 3 All-Hazards Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist (GISS3-AH)

View the AHIMT Qualification Guide


  1. Task Book Request
    • All individuals that are seeking qualification will need to submit a request for access the AHIMT SharePoint site. Once access has been granted the individuals will need to complete the data entry under the Task Book Process tab of the SharePoint Site, and must check the Request Task Book button of the data entry. 
    • When completed, a notification will be sent to FDEM Operations who will perform an Operational Review, and when completed the Task Book Request will be forwarded to the Regional Steering Committee Member. An individual will only be allowed to have two separate task books initiated at one time. Make certain that your request follows this requirement.
    • Individuals requesting a PTB:
      • Must complete IS 100, IS 200, IS 700, IS 800, G-300, and G-400.  
      • Must upload trainings certificates on their SERT TRAC Account to ensure DEM can complete the Operational Review before issuing the PTB.
  1. Task Book Initiated
    • The Regional Steering Committee Members from around the state will initiate the PTBs. The list of the members are as follows:
    • Once the Task Book has been initiated the Steering Committee Member will upload the signed Task Book to the SharePoint site for the individual to download.
  1. First Task Completion
    • Once the individual has their first task signed by one of the Qualified Evaluators, which a list is provided on the AHIMT SharePoint Site, the individual must upload the Task Book to the SharePoint site and enter the date for which their task book was originally signed. 
    • After this date, individuals who have initiated the PTB:
      • Must complete their Position Specific Training and USFA 0305 Type 3 All-Hazards Incident Management Team Course within one year of their first signature otherwise the PTB is invalid.
      • Must complete their PTB within three years of their first signature otherwise the PTB is invalid.
  2. Task Book Completion
    • Once the PTB has been completed within the three-year timeframe, the individual will upload their completed PTB to their SharePoint site, and forward a copy to their Regional Representative and the AHIMT email.
  3. State Qualification Committee Review
    • Upon receipt of a completed PTB, the State Qualification Review Committee will review the task book for accuracy and provide a recommendation for qualification or provide additional direction to the applicant.
  4. Qualification Approval
    • Once qualification has been recommended by the SQRC, FDEM will provide final approval and written notification to the individual that they have met the qualification.

The Florida Qualification Process utilizes two (2) organizations to process an applicant. Each one of these organizations has an integral part in the Qualification process within Florida.  They include:

The Florida Division of Emergency Management Operations Section:

The primary role of the FDEM Operations Section is one of administration.  They are the organization that verifies all applications are complete, updates the applicant on the status of their application, maintains the database of qualified responders, and notifies applicants of their qualification.

The Florida AHIMT State Qualifying Review Committee

The State Qualifying Review Committee (SQRC) establishing and maintaining a viable and effective qualifications system requires a significant commitment of time and energy. The purpose of this committee is to enhance the professional credibility of the position qualifications earned through qualifications process. SQRC is a committee comprised of multi-agency, multi-disciplinary, and multi-jurisdictional positions throughout the state. The SQRC is responsible for the continued process of revising the Florida All-Hazards Incident Management Qualification Guide as needed; initiating, reviewing, and approving the Florida Specific Position Task Books (FSPTB) for approval by the FDEM Director; and qualifying individuals as outlined in the Florida All-Hazards Incident Management Qualification Guide.

For questions related to the AHIMT Program:

Please email: AHIMT@em.myflorida.com

Ian-Paul Gadea Guidicelli - Chief of Response

Taylor Cheney - All-Hazards Incident Management Team Planner

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