Special Needs Registry
Please visit the Florida Department of Health Special Needs Registry at the link below.
The information within the registry will only be used in the planning for and provision of emergency and/or disaster services. Additionally, Florida Statute 252.905 declares any information furnished by a person or business to the Florida Division of Emergency Management for the purpose of being provided assistance with emergency planning is exempt from F.S. 119.07 (1) and s. 24 (a), Art. I of the State Constitution. Information provided through the registry is therefore exempt from public records requests made of the Division.
Completing the Florida Special Needs Registry does not automatically qualify the individual for a special needs shelter. Additional information will be provided by your local emergency management agency regarding evacuation and sheltering options available to you. For more information on your local options, please visit https://www.floridadisaster.org/counties for contact information.