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Unmet Needs Information

FEMA defines an unmet need as being a deficit between verified disaster-caused damages and obtainable disaster aid, including insurance assistance, Federal and State assistance, and personal resources. The State of Florida recognizes an unmet need as a need that persists after the above have been exhausted.  It is the goal of our division to provide information that could assist survivors, who may have identified unmet needs as a result of a disaster, in making connections with agencies outside of the Division.  The Unmet Needs page on the Division’s website provides links to various entities/resources that may potentially aide in meeting the survivor’s unmet needs.

  • Disaster Assistance

    This is the website and telephone number for FEMA. Here is where you can register for disaster assistance, call FEMA to receive case updates, and provide any additional information for your disaster case file.

    Phone Number: 1-800-621-3362

    Message Disaster Assistance

  • Small Business Administration (SBA)

    This is the website to register for SBA loans (for both homeowners and businesses). This is where you can find information on case files and contact needs for SBA. Please note that if there is a declaration you will need to apply for an SBA loan before you apply for FEMA assistance.

    Phone Number: 1-800-659-2955 (TTY/TDD: 1-800-877-8339)         

    Email: disastercustomerservice@sba.gov    

  • Office of Insurance Regulation

    Office of Insurance Regulation can assist with homeowners and their insurance policy questions as well as make any complaints about their insurance providers.

    Phone Number: 850-413-3140

    Email: InsuranceCommissioner@floir.com

  • Department of Financial Services

    Department of Financial Services can provide information on agent’s licenses; is where someone can report fraud; and acts as another insurance helpline option.

    Phone Number: 1-877-MY-FL-CFO (1-877-693-5236)  

    Message FL's DFS  

  • Department of Economic Opportunity

    Department of Economic Opportunity is the website and phone number for businesses who can report damages; apply for disaster unemployment, small business bridge loans, and long-term recovery resources.

    Email: CDBG-DR@DEO.MyFlorida.com

  • Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC)

    FHFC is a website that can help homebuyers, renters, homeowners, and development options. This can be used year-round, to include disaster times.

    Phone Number: 850-488-4197

    Message FHFC

  • Big Bend 211

    Big Bend 211 is not available in all counties, but it is a phone number that can be called to find assistance post disaster. This list is updated yearly so counties who aren’t on the current year may be on the following year.

    Phone Number: 211

  • Department of Education (county specific)

    Department of Education websites are county specific and can be used to see school closures, schools that are used for sheltering purposes, and when the schools would be expected to reopen post disaster.

    Phone Number: 850-245-0505

    Email: Commissioner@fldoe.org

  • Disaster Legal Aid 

    Disaster Legal Aid is legal assistance during disasters that provides Pro Bono legal help for a variety of options. For example, tenant and landlord situations or disputes.

  • Disaster Fraud Hotline

    Disaster Fraud Hotline is a phone number where anyone can call and advise if someone is claiming disaster funding, etc. when they are not entitled to it. This will start an investigation by FEMA.

    Phone Number: 1-866-720-5721

    Message Department of Justice

  • U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs

    U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs offers assistance to veterans who were affected by a disaster.

    Phone Number: 1-800-507-4571

    Message U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs

  • Red Cross

    Red Cross is a voluntary agency that can aid the community. This can include clothing, food, charging stations, etc.

    Phone Number: 1-800-REDCROSS (1-800-733-2767)

    Message Red Cross

  • Catholic Charities
    Catholic Charities provide similar support as Red Cross and Volunteer Florida.

    Phone Number: 727-893-1313

    Email: catholic.charities@ccdosp.org

  • Floridadisaster.biz

    Florida biz is where businesses can report damages; apply for small business emergency bridge loans; research disaster contractors who applied to assist with Floridians post disaster; and apply for SBA.

    Phone Number: 850-815-4925 (disclaimer: number is only operational during a disaster)

    Email: ESF18@em.myflorida.com

  • Grants.gov
    Grants is where you can locate federal grants for disasters. Please note, not all grants on this page are for Individual Assistance or even disaster assistance. This is just another place for possible Federal assistance to be considered.

    Phone Number: 1-800-518-4726

    Email: support@grants.gov

  • Florida Restores (The Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church)

    Florida Restores (UMCOR) offers support in the way of materials, money, and volunteers for post disaster recovery efforts.

    Phone Number: 1-855-CAT-FUMC (1-855-228-3862)

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