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Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program

Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program

The Florida’s Division of Emergency Management created the Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program to act as a specialized, state-funded mitigation program aimed at minimizing damages caused by hurricanes. The program began as an active response to the devastation brought by Hurricane Andrew, specifically to the insurance Market in the State of Florida. With an annual budget of $7 million, provided by the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Trust Fund, the program is funding activities that promote property resiliency through retrofits made to residential, commercial, and mobile home properties, the promotion of public education and public information, and through hurricane research activities.

Up to $3.5 million is to be used on improving community resiliency through the Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program (HLMP) Grant. Through partnering with local housing authorities, non-profit organizations, and local governments, the Division has been able to promote wind and flood mitigation and provide hazard mitigation retrofitting to residential and commercial properties. Funded activities include retrofits, inspections, tree trimming, property acquisition and demolition, localized flood risk reduction, and construction or modification of building components designed to increase a structure’s ability to withstand hurricane-force winds and flooding. The Program utilizes the Florida Building Code as its standard for all retrofitting. The $250,000.00 reimbursement grant may also be used for Local Mitigation Strategy projects.

HLMP FY25-26 Application Cycle

Grant funds awarded under the HLMP qualify as state financial assistance under the Florida Single Audit Act. See Section 215.971, Florida Statutes. The Catalog of State Financial Assistance number (CSFA#) for HLMP is 31.066. Eligible proposers under this NOFA include governmental entities and nonprofit organizations; individual homeowners are ineligible to apply.

A Notice of Interest (NOI) will be issued via GovDelivery and forms posted to the HLMP website. This process is a procedural change from previous years and will precede the official application period. For Fiscal Year 2025, the NOI form is optional but highly recommended to receive feedback prior to submitting an application the State for the FY 2025-2026 HLMP application period.

For Fiscal Year 2025-2026, the Notice of Interest Period will be open from January 22, 2025 to February 21, 2025 at 5:00 PM (EDT).

FY 2025 Notice of Interest Form

A Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) will be issued via GovDelivery and applications posted to the HLMP website. This process is a procedural change from previous years utilizing the Request for Proposals process. Applicants may submit applications totaling no more than $250,000.00.

For Fiscal Year 2025-2026, the Application Period will be open from February 28, 2025 to April 14, 2025 at 5:00 PM (EDT). Questions and application submissions can be sent to HLMP@em.myflorida.com.


25-26 HLMP Application

Wind Mitigation Inspection Fillable Form

Property Information Sheet-PIS (2023 Update)


Contracts and grants can begin at any time during the fiscal year, but must all be terminated by June 30 of the same fiscal year. The state fiscal year is July 1 through June 30.

Grant Management Tools

Of moneys provided to the Division, ten percent is allocated to Florida International University to be applied to research and outreach conducted by the International Hurricane Research Center. The IHRC is a multi-disciplinary research and education organization focused on a single mission: to reduce hurricane damage and loss of life through more effective mitigation. As a University entity, the IHRC conducts both basic and applied research. The IHRC research tries to answer fundamental questions in order to reduce the hurricane threat. The Center’s current studies involve such areas as: household mitigation and evacuation; storm hazard and vulnerability mapping, long-term community recovery; and economic loss modeling.



Forty-percent of the $7 million total ($2.8 million) appropriated by the Legislature shall be used to inspect and improve tie-downs for mobile homes. Section 215.559, Florida Statutes, authorizes the Division to contract  with Gulf Coast State College to administer the mobile home tie-down program.

The Mobile Home Tie-Down Program is a pilot project designed to demonstrate, test and raise awareness of new techniques to enhance manufactured home wind resistance. The goal is to reduce property damage from high wind events. A tie-down system is designed to secure the manufactured homes to the ground. Traditional tie-down systems use the longitudinal ground anchors and straps which sometimes corrode and disintegrate. The new tie-down system include lateral foundation systems with longitudinal stabilizer devices or ground stabilizer plates wherever possible. Tie-down retrofit services provided through this program must comply with the Rules of the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, Division of Motor Vehicles, Chapter 15C-1, General.

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